Friday, June 8, 2018

Q&A with Gwen

Meet Gwen

Hey guys, my Gwen. I go by Gwen Selix, Gwen Malfoy, and Unicorn Gwen. I've been a creative my entire life. I create imaginary worlds and love to draw them as well. I'm the creator of Meep on Mental Health. Meep has become an inspiration to me, and I'm proud to share him with everyone.

For more on Gwen, check her out on Facebook

If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be?

I would be a wolf. They are my spirit animal, and I love how free they are.

I've been creating my whole life only in the last few years have I really been able to go after my dreams of being an Author and an Artist. I've learned to never let others try and control your goals in life. If you want to do something creative, do it. Don't let others tell you how you should feel.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Q&A with Matthew V. Brockmeyer

Meet Matthew

Matthew V. Brockmeyer lives deep in the forest of Northern California with his wife and two children. He is a writer, homesteader, werewolf, loving family man and author of the novel KIND NEPNETHE: A Savage Tale of Terror Set in the Heart of California's Marijuana Country. His short stories have been featured in numerous magazines, journals and anthologies.

For more on Matthew, check him out on Facebook. 

What would be the most surprising scientific discovery? 

As we enter this bold new world of technology, one invention seems increasingly necessary, a robotic armature that can feed us. Don’t you hate when you have to put down your device to eat? What if someone says something funny on Facebook? Posts a killer meme on Twitter or puts a picture of their cat on Instagram? These are important aspects in our lives and shouldn’t be missed just because we have to feed ourselves. No, with the new Digest-A-Tron 2001, you’ll never have to stop binge watching that new Netflix series, even at the dinner table. The smart technology will command its robot arms to butter your toast, pour milk in your cereal, and lift the forks and spoons right to your waiting mouth.
AI has long been monitoring your every culinary fetish and love, and armed with this information, the Digest-A-Tron 2001 will know how much jelly to put on your toast, what salad dressing you like, and how spicy you like your enchiladas.
And the new driverless vehicles will all be equipped with this technology as well. Taking a long trip and don’t want the inconvenience of putting down your iPad to go into a restaurant? No worries. The Digest-A-Tron 2001 will cram your face with all kinds of goodies the whole trip, and you’ll never have to take your eyes off your device.
It’s a wonderful new era, and we’re working hard to make sure you never have to interact with the real world again.

Find KIND NEPENTHE on Amazon. 

Matthew V. Brockmeyer is a horror author, freelance writer and homesteader. He resides in an off-grid cabin, deep in the back hills of Humboldt County, California, where he runs a small farm with his wife and two children. He enjoys howling at the moon and bathing his fangs in human blood. When not writing or working the crops in his fields, he can be found brewing beer, watching horror movies, reviewing books, and enjoying time with his children. His debut novel KIND NEPENTHE was released in August 2017 to great critical acclaim and has risen to the Amazon Bestseller ranks in horror multiple times. His short stories have been featured in numerous publications, both in print and online, including, among others, Deciduous Tales, Infernal Ink, Timeless Tales Magazine, Pulp Metal Magazine, Body Parts, Shotgun Honey, Not One of Us, Alphi, Cultured Vultures, and the anthologies The Edge: Infinite Darkness (a #1 Amazon Bestseller), After the Happily Ever After, One Hundred Voices, and One Hundred Word Horrors. For more please visit his website: