Thursday, May 10, 2018

Quotes on my mind - Writing is an act of Faith

"We walk by faith not by sight." 
-- 2nd Corinthians 5-7

I often surprise people with the fact that I'm Christian. Maybe it's because I swear so much? Or maybe it's because of my love of boobies?

I've even be baptized. It was a lot like this....


Okay. Not really. Unlike the fictional Viking, I actually do believe in God. I do think I surprised a lot of people in my life though when I was baptized. A few didn't even believe me at first.

I have photo evidence though.

That's me. Baptized in the ocean by a friend, who led the first bible study group I ever willing sat through, and the lead pastor at the church I attended at the time that we've recently started going to again because they opened a new campus near us. The wave hit right when they pulled me up because God was very excited and wanted to assure me they wouldn't hold me under too long.

For all my jokes, because I'm unable to take things seriously, faith is very important to me. I read the Bible every day. It's normally in my car right before work through an app on my phone. But the Word of God is the Word of God no matter how it comes to you. This scripture was one of the first things I ever read from the Bible that made any kind of sense to me.

The is even tattooed on my ankle. I got it as a reminder. During that time of my life before I was baptized, my entire world was changing. I'd been betrayed by someone who had promised to love me forever. I'd gone through a divorce. I'd had to accept that I was the only person my children could depend on. I felt alone and completely lost. I couldn't see how I could get out of the hole I felt like I was in. I couldn't see my life getting better. So I stopped going by sight. I went by faith.

Writing is an act of faith.

You can't always see where you're going. You don't always feel that it will work out. It can be scary and uncomfortable. You just kind of have to go with it.

It's not easy. I said this scripture was inked on my skin as a reminder. It's because this is still something I struggle with. In life, I stress and I worry over things I shouldn't. My husband is very much a witness to that. He messes with me about it often. I forget to live by faith and not by what the world is telling me. The world is full of doubt. There is no doubt in faith.

It's the same for writing. If I worried over every word I put down, I wouldn't write anything. It actually happens often to me. Not knowing how it's going to turn out or how I'm going to get there is hard. It's hard when you can't see what to do next.

It's when you have to stop trying to see. You go on faith.

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