Thursday, April 19, 2018

Bonus Post - Anarchist Love Story

I met Barry on a dating website in October 2009. It was a good first date, and I really liked him. That scared the shit out of me, so I told him I didn't see it going anywhere and returned to my apartment with the bottle of JD he bought me instead of flowers. We continued to IM. In April, I complained about any annoying guy who went crazy on me demanding to know if I was cheating on him, after one date, when I was at a woman's Bible retreat. Barry's response was that I should let him take me out again since I was apparently free. I knew right then I liked him. I'd known since that first message. But I was a very stubborn person and he didn't fit everything on the list of a 100 things I was looking for in a partner. It was a stupid list. One of those things though was that he didn't have children when I had two. We kept IMing here and there. Then he asked to take me to the mud races for my birthday in may.

I was very drunk and took a lot of pictures.

He knew I was drunk. 

They were very weird pictures. 
He then made the mistake of telling the weird drunk girl that she was weird. I decided he was an ass, and I didn't want to date him. I regretted that the very next day, but that would also mean admitting I was wrong. So I didn't.

I started dating some random dude, who also didn't fit my list. That too I knew was a mistake rather quickly. The issue was the dude worked offshore. I didn't want to break up with him over the phone. It felt too mean.

So there I was stuck "dating" a guy I didn't like for a month and refusing to admit I liked the guy that I was mad at for no good reason. Then a friend went snooping on my computer wanting to know who this cute guy Barry was and if she could date him.

Umm no. She could not. But then admitting that would have been way too easy. So at her request, I told him about her. I also then promptly told her there was no way she was dating him. She also decided that she didn't like him after looking at his FB page. lol.

Then he brought up having concert tickets and needing a date, and since I had a boyfriend that I didn't like, I couldn't go. He asked for my friend's number.

And that was what did it. I broke up with the guy I didn't like (on the phone, but I said I was sorry a whole lot), and I went to the concert with Barry. We started dating exclusively that week.

Our First photo together.

The kids thought he was the coolest. He became dad rather quickly.

It was a BB gun. 
He took me back to the same mud races where he'd called me weird in 2011.

From my journal on April 2, 2011. The day after my husband asked me to marry him. Yes, he asked me to marry him an April Fool's Day.

Barry asked me to marry him last night. I said yes, after asking him if he was joking several times. He asked me in tiny tent, while he was cuddled up behind me. It reminded me of when he first told me he loved me. It was perfect. For us. I don't have a ring yet. Today Barry took a hay blossom and tied it into a ring. When I saw what he was doing I objected. His reply "You're a damn hippie. You should like this shit." People who don't know us won't understand why I laughed. He got down on one knee to give me my hay blossom ring. It was perfect. For us. In the end that's all that matters. I wish I could go back in time to when he brought me here last year. Just so I could catch my drunken self (Probably on one of my many stumbling trip to the "bathroom.") and say that the man that would piss her off on the drive home by calling her weird, would be her fiance' in less than a year. My Tomcat. :) It'd be worth the cost of a flux capacitor to see my face. I was such a dummy that day. But ya know what? That day is a perfect story. For us.

Tiny tent. Yes, it was SMALL!
My first ring.
Our engagement was long. I wanted to make sure we'd be a family, and I wanted to at least finish my current degree. We were a family though already. 

We just hadn't made it official yet. We wanted the kids to know how important they are to us because our love story has always involved more than just us. So they were best man and maid of honor at our wedding.

And now it's been four years....

This hasn't been the easiest year for our family for a number of reasons, so our celebration was just a short bike ride on the Big Puppy (aka my husband's motorcycle) for fancy burgers.

The fancy burgers.

And our story continues....

Note: Please take a moment to stop by my author page and vote in my poll.

1 comment:

  1. For the didn't just think I was an ass because I called you weird. You also started crying inside a rural Dairy Queen, and not even steak fingers could make you get happy!

    I love you, Kitten...
