Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Webcomic Love - The Night Belongs to Us

Now, this might sound strange since I'm talking about a webcomic about werewolves and vampires, but The Night Belongs to Us by L.R. Hale is so cute.

Okay, maybe cute isn't the right word for describing a comic about the furry and undead that can be bloody and NSFW sometimes, but there is something whimsical about the style of this comic. That's what originally drew me to this one. For me, it's the little things. The comic also has a really cute cat. His name is Macintosh, and if you don't like him, you might be dead inside.

The story so far is relatively simple and easy to follow, but it's also very intriguing. It's just the story of two girls named Hank and Ada. Hank just happens to now be a werewolf, and Ada is a vampire. Ada is Hanks guide to the new strange world she has found herself in. The artist creates an interesting world with its own set of rules that exist in the shadows of the normal world. This helps to add depth to the characters, and they don't feel so cookie-cutter, which I feel happens a lot in this genre.

There's also plenty of complication with the big bad who turned Hank into a werewolf and mysterious people related to Ada's past. The story is also likely to get even more complicated as it continues as Hank develops a crush on Ada. They're also adorable together, so I love watching that relationship play out.

For more information on this comic, you can check out the artist on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram. To support this comic check out the artist on Patreon

Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with this webcomic in any way. I'm just a fan sharing a comic that I love. If there's a comic you think I should check out, feel free to let me know! 

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